Digital 'Ideal Week' planner worksheet (STEM)
Having trouble managing your WFH schedule?
The Cell Kulture Co. Ideal Week (Digital) Planner is here to help!
Your order will include a watermark-free digital copy of the 8.5" x 11" Ideal Week worksheet shown. **This listing is for the digital version only**
Whether you're a student, business owner, or teacher, you'll want to give this template a try - I personally use this to plan out my week! Perfect for anyone with a busy schedule and a desire to be more productive.
Tag me on Instagram @cellkultureco, I'd love to see your ideal week planners in use :)
For the remainder of 2020, we're donating 10% of profits to organizations that support the work/career development of Black academics and creatives in STEM!
- #CiteASista: Did you cite a Black woman today? A movement and community founded by Dr. Brittany Williams & Dr. Joan Collier, Cite A Sista is focused on centering the voices and contributions of Black women. Learn more at citeasista.com
- WONDER Fund: With no progress on diversity in 40 years, geoscience is the least diverse field of science. WONDER will provide annual travel grants to Black or Indigenous women in earth and space sciences. This annual award will aid recipients in attending an American Geophysical Union conference of their choice. In order to set up the fund, a fundraising goal of $50,000 must be met. Learn more at wonderfund.womendoingscience.com
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